Frequently Asked Questions - Bursar's Office
How can I view my bill?
For students on main campus: All billing for tuition, fees, housing, and food is processed electronically through ePay. With ePay, you can access your tuition statement, view account activity, make a payment in a secure environment, and set up others to have similar access. Paper bill statements are not produced and/or mailed.
Students can access ePay by logging in to myCharger and clicking the ePay located at the top of the page:
Authorized Users can log in to ePay here:
What is a tuition differential fee?
Tuition differentials are additional fees associated with particular courses. These courses (usually engineering, chemistry, and computer science courses) require additional resources to operate. Tuition differential fees are noted on the Academic Schedule.
Why am I being charged a lab fee if I’m not taking a lab?
Although the course in question does not necessarily have a laboratory component, there is an additional fee required to operate the class. This fee is used to support courses requiring specialized materials and/or a specialized environment. Lab fees are noted on the Academic Schedule.
What happens if I do not pay my bill by the due date?
If the payment is not received by the designated due date, you may be assessed a late fee as have a financial hold placed on your record. This hold will restrict you from scheduling/registering for future classes, requesting transcripts, and receiving your diploma.
How can my parent or guardian have access to my bill?
The University of New Haven fully complies with the provisions of FERPA and with its statements on policies and procedures.
In order for staff to discuss any details of the student's bill with anyone other than the student, the person must be set up as an authorized payer in ePay. Once someone is an authorized user, that person will have access to the tuition bill in ePay and will receive email notifications when a new bill is ready to be viewed.
What is FERPA?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children’s education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records. When a student turns 18 years old, or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student ("eligible student"). The FERPA statute is found at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g and the FERPA regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99. Read more about FERPA here.
How can I view my bill?
For students on main campus: All billing for tuition, fees, housing, and food is processed electronically through ePay. With ePay, you can access your tuition statement, view account activity, make a payment in a secure environment, and set up others to have similar access. Paper bill statements are not produced and/or mailed.
Students can access ePay by logging in to myCharger and clicking the ePay located at the top of the page:
Authorized Users can log in to ePay here:
Who is assessing and collecting this fee?
The fee is charged by The University’s third party credit card processor, PayPath, and covers the credit and debit card transaction fees assessed by credit card companies and financial institutions. The University of New Haven receives no benefit or revenue from this process.
How can I avoid paying the fee?
You can avoid paying the 2.95% fee by paying online with an e-check through ePay (ACH bank transfer from checking or savings account).
Is the service fee refundable or can it be waived?
The service fee is assessed by an outside vendor, not by the University of New Haven. The fee is not refundable and cannot be waived.
Do other Universities charge a service fee for credit and debit card payments?
Yes. Colleges and Universities across the country have made similar changes to their credit and debit card payment policies. Some are choosing not to accept credit and debit card payments due to the additional costs associated with credit and debit card transactions.
How do I make a credit card payment if that remains my preferred payment method?
Credit and debit card payments can only be made online through ePay. The University of New Haven will no longer process credit and debit cards in person at the Bursar’s Office or via phone.
Why am I being charged for health insurance?
All full time undergraduate students and all international students are automatically charged for University of New Haven health insurance. Domestic students will have an opportunity to waive this coverage, if you are already covered by another health insurance plan. Please contact the Bursar’s Office for further information regarding the waiver deadline.
The University health insurance plan is mandatory for all international students.
What if I missed the health insurance waiver deadline?
Once the waiver deadline has passed, you will not be able to waive coverage until the next academic year. Failure to complete the online waiver request form by the specified date will obligate the student to pay for the coverage indicated on his/her student account.
The loan amount I took out to cover my balance was more than what I owed. How and when can I receive a refund?
If a student has a Title IV (federal financial aid) credit on their account then a refund will be processed automatically within 14 days of the funds posting to a student’s account. If the credit on a students' account is not a Title IV credit then the student must request a refund by emailing the Bursar's Office.
What is the quickest way to receive my refund?
Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in direct deposit through ePay to have refunds deposited directly into their checking or savings account of their choice. Students can enroll in direct deposit by clicking on the Refunds menu option in ePay.